October 21-22 – Known Distance Event – 500 Yards
Pistol Clinic – August 19th
For the first time at Red Brush, we will be hosting an Appleseed Pistol Clinic. We will be bringing in some outstanding trainers for this first event while we get this new program started at our range.
Pistol Clinics
We are pleased to offer Appleseed Pistol Clinics. Our pistol clinic is a fun challenge for everyone, even those who have qualified with pistols in other programs. The program is beneficial for folks who have no pistol experience or have some experience shooting pistols but want more instruction on use for personal defense.
This class focuses on defensive techniques such as rapid target acquisition and engaging multiple targets. It covers proper grip, stances, and the steps of firing the shot. It does not include drawing and firing from a holster, so a holster is not needed to participate. It is a challenging course of fire and we think it is a lot of fun. Pistols and revolvers of all handgun calibers are welcome with typical defense calibers (e.g., 9mm, 45 ACP, 40 S&W, 38 SP) being the most popular. Many shooters choose to bring a .22 LR caliber pistol for initial instruction and for practice.
Of course, an Appleseed Pistol Clinic includes the signature revolutionary war history for which the Appleseed program is known. The history shared will include stories you won’t hear at our rifle events.
The price for this one-day clinic is only $75. There is a discount for military active/reserve & guard, law enforcement officers, disabled, re-enactors in period dress, and elected officials which lowers the price down to $40. There is also a $5 range fee for non-members of Red Brush Rifle Range.
Due to national and state restrictions, attendees must be 18 years of age or older.
For information on what to bring, please see: How to Prepare
To register for this event, please visit:
Project Appleseed Celebrates 17th Year at Red Brush!
It has been 17 years since Project Appleseed began hosting classes at Red Brush. The first shoot had 157 participants and made the news, not only in Evansville but across the country. Please see the enclosed 2006 news article reprint “Gunning for tradition” from the local Evansville Courier and Press.
Every year thousands of people wanting to become more proficient with their rifles come to an Appleseed shoot. There they are taught safe handling, steady shooting positions, sling usage, the six steps of firing a shot, natural point of aim, and other skills necessary to hit standard size targets out to 500 yards. All this is done in a family-friendly, all-ages-welcomed manner without a ‘boot camp’ attitude.
But even more important than the marksmanship training, participants are exposed to stories of our country’s founders and the sacrifices they made on April 19, 1775 at Lexington and Concord. The events of this day set the colonies on a course to become the United States of America. This history, which once was a staple of grade, middle, and high school curriculum, is barely touched upon in public schools these days!
More information on these programs and how to register for an event can be found at And to see what it is like to participate in an Appleseed shoot, see this write up by noted firearms expert Massad Ayoob in Backwoods Home magazine:
If you have any questions about attending an Appleseed event, please email Appleseeed Instructor Ben Swartz at